
Song Lewei, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD, witnessed the signing of ten billion sodium-ion battery project between Huaihai and Fodi Battery

On the afternoon of November 18, Song Lewei, secretary of the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee, and Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD Co., LTD., witnessed Huaihai Holding Group and Ferdi Battery signing a contract for 10 billion sodium-ion battery project. He Long, Senior Vice President of BYD Co., LTD., CEO of Fodi Battery Co., LTD., Li Qian, Secretary of the Board of Directors and General Manager of the Investment Department of BYD, Zhang Ke, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Wu Weidong, Vice Mayor, An Jiwen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Huaihai Holding Group, Ding Lu, Director of the Group and Director of the Office of the Board of Directors, Professor Ma Zifeng, chief scientist of sodium electricity technology of the Group, participated in the activity.

The sodium-ion battery project signed by Huaihai Holding Group and Fodi Battery Co., Ltd. plans a total investment of 10 billion yuan and an annual capacity of 30GWh, which will create the world's largest subcompact car sodium-electric system supplier. This signing is the second cooperation between BYD and Xuzhou enterprises. In November 2022, Fodi Battery Co., Ltd. and Xugong Group jointly invested 10 billion yuan to build a new energy power battery production base project.


Party Secretary Song Lewei congratulated on the rapid advancement of the power battery project and the smooth signing of the sodium-ion battery project. He said that the two joint efforts in two years fully demonstrated the results of deepening cooperation and mutual benefit between Xuzhou and BYD.

The sodium-ion battery project signed this time provides a new opportunity for Xuzhou and BYD to expand cooperation areas. Xuzhou has many application scenarios and large market hinterland advantages, which will provide strong support for the development of sodium-ion battery projects. Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will make every effort to create a first-class ecology for industrial development, introduce corresponding incentive measures, and promote the project to take root and blossom as soon as possible. Focusing on future development, we hope to deepen exchanges and cooperation with BYD on the basis of good cooperation in the early stage, aiming at construction machinery electric control, energy storage battery and other fields, and join hands to write a new chapter of win-win development.


Wang Chuanfu, chairman and president of BYD, thanked Xuzhou City for its strong support for the cooperation project and briefly introduced the development of the enterprise and the development situation of the new energy vehicle industry. He said that with the rapid development of the new energy automobile industry, which has brought continuous iteration of battery technology, BYD is willing to seize new opportunities for the transformation of the new energy automobile industry together with Xuzhou, actively seize the commanding heights of the development of the battery industry, and help Xuzhou accelerate the construction of the new energy automobile industry chain.


He Long, CEO of Fodi Battery Co., LTD., said that sodium-ion battery technology is becoming more and more mature, and the market prospect is broad. Fodi Battery will gather high-quality resources and accelerate the landing of sodium-ion battery projects in Xuzhou.


An Jiwen, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Huaihai Holding Group, said that the joint venture between Huaihai and Fodi in the sodium battery industry aims to integrate the superior resources of the sodium electricity industry chain, give play to the advantages of both sides in technology, capital, talent, management, market, channels and industry chain, and gather Zhejiang Sodium to provide high-quality cathode materials and electrolytic solution. Gather Huaihai Fodi Sodium battery Technology Co., Ltd. settled in, gather Huaihai Group and other application of sodium battery enterprise advantages, service sodium battery instead of lead-acid battery application field, service energy storage application field, to achieve a big pattern, big strategy, big cooperation, big development.


Song Lewei and Wang Chuanfu also jointly witnessed the signing ceremony of the "Sodium-ion battery production Base Project Investment Agreement" of Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Huaihai Holding Group and Fodi Battery Co., LTD., and the signing ceremony of the "Zhejiang Sodium-ion cathode material Project" of Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone and Zhejiang Sodium Innovation Energy Co., LTD.

"Xuzhou Release" to "Song Lewei and Wang Chuanfu talk and exchange and witness the signing of the project: empower 'Xu' Dongsheng hand in hand with 'Di' to forge ahead Xuzhou once again hand in hand with BYD signed two billion projects in two years" full coverage of the event.

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